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Data Insights, Adaptive Automation & Analytics | AXiSDigitalHealth.com

Adaptive Analytics & Systems Integration

At AXiS Digital, we automate business processes using the AXiS system. Many companies can automate your process, but our method ensures we train your staff Agile and Lean process improvement methodologies while implementing technical integrations. AXiS is our secrect sauce, but EDI is the technology we implement. EDI is used in healthcare, government contracting, private business, and education. But what exactly is EDI? It’s a complicated data shipping system we make simple.

Here Is How EDI Helps

Even simple business processes costs both time and money. Something as simple as invoicing takes many hours per week if you manually document time on paper, enter that time in a computer, then print and pay for stamps to mail your invoice. The paper supplies, in addition to hourly time spent documenting paperwork, add up over time. AXiS Digital focuses on automating this type of process.

A simple phone app can track your time both traveling to and spent working for a client. At the press of a button, that time is automatically sent to a server that processes an invoice electronically. Payment is requested and made without your intervention then you move on to the next job without any “paper work”. Depending on your experience, that may sound like a fantasy. Rest assured it is very possible, and it’s how large efficient corporations work on a daily basis.

EDI at Our Core

We mentioned earlier that we use EDI. Businesses that send electronic information to each other do so under business to business (B2B for short) terms using EDI, HL7, FHIR or other API logic. EDI is short for Electronic Data Interchange and it’s comparable to rules of proper grammar you were taught in elementary school. As any english teacher would tell you, unproperly 4matted sintenses kreate missunderstandings. Your brain immediately stopped and recalculated when you saw unproperly instead of improperly. You stopped processing even if you read the remaining words of the sentence. Both EDI & API works the same way.

In EDI, a message is sent between 2 computers with special formatting which results in pre-programmed software rules complying with agreed to standards. Those rules are standardized by the ANSI organization and users who use ANSI formatting agree to abide by the same formatting rules no matter the underlying technology chosen. Any out of place formatting causes a chain reaction that stops the message from properly sending until errors are corrected.

Well, we gave you our secret AXiS sauce – in addition to knowing the ANSI rules. But very few people want to learn ANSI. That’s why we’re here for you.